Carrot Autumn King 2 (Daucus carota)
A late maincrop variety producing large pointed carrots of excellent flavour and colour. A popular choice.
Sow Indoors - N/A
Sow Outdoors - March-August
Row Width - 12" / 30cm
Harvest - June-October
Carrot Early Nantes (Daucus carota)
As its name suggests this is an early variety producing blunt ended carrots of excellent flavour. Ideal for freezing.
Sow Indoors - N/A
Sow Outdoors - March-April
Row Width - 12" / 30cm
Harvest - May-July
Carrot Paris Market Round (Parijse Market 4) (Daucus carota) We have chosen this easy to grow variety especiall y to encourage children into the garden. They could grow their very own Carrots. The quickest growing variety, producing tasty, short roots of approx. 5-7cm. Outdoor Planting: Sow seeds thinly 1.5cm deep direct in growing bed in rows 12" (30cm) apart. Keep...
Fresh carrots, firm and crisp. Bright-orange colour indicates high carotene content. Carrots are used in salads and as relishes and are served as cooked vegetables and in stews and soups. Pack of 5
Cauliflower All Year Round (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis)
A traditional variety and firm favourite, producing large white heads with an excellent flavour.
Sow Indoors - Sept-October / Jan-March
Sow Outdoors - March-June
Row Width - 20" / 50cm
Harvest - June-October
Celery Pascal (Apium graveolens)
A popular vegetable producing palke green tasty stems. A versatile variety that can be eaten raw or cooked.
Sow Indoors - March-May
Sow Outdoors - N/A
Row Width - 14" / 35cm
Harvest - August-Nov
Chilli Cayenne (Capsicum annuum)
A favourite hot chilli, green maturing to bright red. Ideal for cooking with and easy to grow.
Sow Indoors - Jan-March
Sow Outdoors - N/A
Row Width - N/A
Harvest - July Onwards