Ornamental Garden
- Continue to deadhead
- Begin to clear leaves as necessary
- Keep borders clear of weeds
- Take cuttings of tender perennials
- Continue to deadhead bedding plants
- Plan for next years garden displays
- Collect seed from perennials/hardy annuals
- Start planting spring bulbs
- Lift and divide herbaceous perennials
- Start planting trees and shrubs towards the end of the month and move evergreen shrubs etc while the soil is still warm
- Collect and dispose of any infected roses leaves
Vegetable Garden
- Once the tassels on sweet corn have turned brown, check whether the cobs are ready to harvest. When ripe the kernels contain a milky liquid.
- Leave marrows, squashes, pumpkins etc. to ripen on the plant. Place fruit on wooden board to prevent soiling.
- Continue harvesting fruit
- Harvest main crop potatoes
- Sow winter greens such as land cress, mustard spinach and hardy lettuce cultivatars.