Gardening Tips for Beginners

It is common knowledge that plants require soil, sunlight, and water. Unless, of course, the plant in question, is a potato. Able to sprout in the deep, dark corners of an unreachable area of a pantry, devoid of the three requirements, the perennial spud can give rise to multiple generations of offspring (if left alone, long enough).
For those of you who wish to start your own garden, which may or may not include potatoes, please read on for a few steps to make your garden grow.
Whilst common knowledge does dictate the most essential requirements, there are a lot more things to consider if you want your backyard to be flowery and picture-perfect. We can’t exactly help with photography, but we can guide you on a path that has your tulips and roses stand up to online scrutiny.
Step 1: Evaluation
It is recommended to begin with a smaller garden and, as such, it is best to begin by marking off the section that you wish to develop. Before marking off the section, look at areas that receive the most sunshine, the type of soil there, and the type of plants that are already growing in the vicinity. Weeds don’t count, as they can even treat concrete as home.
Step 2: Planning
You now know where to plant, but do you know what you’re going to sow?
Planning is an important part as you can’t exactly have a rosebush surrounding your herb garden. Imagine the inconvenience of wanting a bit of mint but needing to navigate the thorns?
Planning will allow you to ensure that your garden is not only functional but aesthetically pleasing too. Take the time to jot down a few ideas, the types of flowers you wish to have, and the overall look should you wish to match a certain aesthetic.
Step 3: Planting
This is the most difficult of the steps, as by now, you know where you want to plant and what you wish to see in your garden. It, unfortunately, isn’t as simple as digging a hole and tossing in seeds with hopes for the best – if that were the case, many of our politicians would have better luck being farmers.
Research is required for the plants you’ve chosen to grow. You should begin by looking at their types, such as whether the plants fall under annuals, biennials, or perennials (for more information on these, please check out our Gardening Lingo 101 post.
Thereafter, look at the upkeep for these plant types, the best times in the year to sow and when you can expect them to flower.
Step 4: Upkeep
You must water your plants regularly, and whilst the temptation is there to provide more rather than less, we must stress the importance of watering your plants in line with their requirements. Much like humans are fond of swimming, we aren’t so fond of being drowned. Treat your plants the same way and they should thrive.
Some plants require being fed in addition to being watered. This means that these plants require nutrients that soil alone cannot provide and thus you should look at tailored plant foods. For instance, mulching with compost or in the case of the Venus Flytrap, a selection of live insects.
Feel free to talk to your plants too – just don’t get too close to the Venus Flytrap. Plants love carbon dioxide and feeling loved. Talking to your plants ticks both these boxes and gives you an outlet to share without the astronomical bill associated with doing the same with registered professionals.
Step 5: Protection
With nurture, protection is required. Pests tend to pick out the most loved gardens for the best meals, obviously. And if you’re talking to your plants, you may notice changes in their leaves, infestations by aphids, booming snail populations, etc.
While they’re fairly easy to manage, pests can quickly get out of hand. It is great to know beforehand the type of pests that are drawn to your prized possessions.
Please note that these are simply steps to get you started on your gardening journey. For more information, please feel free to subscribe to our blog and join us on our social media platforms as we continue our ‘budding’ friendship.
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